
Thursday, April 17, 2008

The bleeding has almost stopped.

Okay, I got the taxes figured, payments are made and my bankaccout has almost stopped bleeding money! (hope the title didn't alarm you). With my concern that silver prices were going through the roof, (and I was right - they did), I bought up a lot of silver last year when it was around 12.00. That was a really good things, right???? Well, the answer is "yes" and "no". Yes, because I have a backlog of silver that will carry me through for a while so I don't have to pay the 18.00 per ounce. But, it's not a good thing in that I have to pay taxes on all the inventory that is unused from last year.
Grrrrr! Upsetting!

Oh, well, the thing that helps when I'm in that mood is to hit the silver bench, grab some silver and my hammer and have at it.

My Southernisms Jewelry is coming along. I keep thinking of new phrases common to us here in Kentucky. I love the color of our language here. More later.

1 comment:

NM said...

Hi Kay -
First time I've read your blog...nice but the topic must be frustrating!
